Become a TERBO PRO

What is the TERBO PRO community?

TERBO PRO is a TERBOcharged resource sharing group where builders unite to help construct a better community. It's a place where you can share your accomplishments, exchange knowledge and ideas, and rent the tools you need to finish your projects the right way.

In short, It's

neighbors helping neighbors

Join the Community

What are you proud of?

If you're working on a cool project, take some pictures and share it with the community!


What tools did you use?

We know you've got a bunch of tools you're proud of. Show us what you've got! Do you use tools as they were designed, or have you found creative new uses for them, like using a crescent wrench as a hammer.


How did you plan the project?

Your project started as an idea like a small seed. You watered that seed and made it grow. Tell us how you came up with the idea and what made you want to build this cool project you're sharing.


What went well?

Share your successes! TERBO PRO is a positive community where we lift each other up. Who knows, maybe your post will inspire other members to pursue their dreams. There will be prizes for posts with the most engagement.


What problems did you have?

Made a mistake that's actually kind of funny? Maybe you got hurt and it's not funny at all. Share it here and laugh with us or share the lesson learned. Others can draw value and learn from your experience and we can turn that negative into a positive.


Ask for help

Need some advice on a project you're struggling with? Post it here. Odds are someone else in this group has the experience you need and is willing to lend a hand. That's what this is all about. Neighbors helping neighbors.


— David Whitford